Burnie Skippycoin ICG




Community, Business and Visitor City Information

Local Government

We welcome Local Government in Burnie to work with us and BURNIE.CITY in promoting Australian Business and Tourism. The Australian Regional Network gives Community and Business Leaders Login access to Australian owned web advertising, listing and broadcast services with the power of over 1000 united Australian geographic web sites and is not the local Council or Government! For access to local government services in Burnie please visit

For an overview of this local government region

For further information about this town or place

For information about the containing region visit

Dear Australian Local Government

BURNIE.CITY and The Australian Regional Network gives Burnie Local Residents, Community Leaders and Business Managers the ability to publish Articles, Events, Commercial and Community Listings into Australia's largest Australian family owned network of Town, City and Region focused Web Sites. Easy to use, membership based, with strong representation in all significant Australian States, Cities and Towns through member generated Content, Maps, Video, Images and Search Engine Optimised publishing and Social Media sharing tools our 1400+ active web sites (More than one thousand) work in hand with all the good Search and Social Media Giants our goal is to bring more Business and Visitors to real Australians for incredible value and without the Pay Pay Pay per click and originating from a local service that keeps the Advertising Dollar within our Economy

The theme of our Network is "Tell your Business and Community story to your Town". We are a NEIS Stage 2 startup business and approved by the Emergency Services Deputy Commissioner to provide Triple Zero information. We welcome all levels of Government departments to work with us as we develop this great resource for the benefit of Australian Tourism and Community.

As we grow this service we will channel some efforts into developing the Local, State, Federal Government and Emergency Services User Levels and Government Directories and we would like to invite you to help us improve and discover ways we can work for you.

Kind Regards
The Australian Regional Network Development Team

If you have any suggestions in how Local, State or Federal Government could work with or assist us Please contact us

The Australian Regional Network
4ustralia Pty Ltd .COM
Bringing Business and Visitors to out of the way Australian Places

Are you on the right Community Portal?




Is your Burnie Business or Community Group listed with your Local Web Directory? The stars are the websites and they are all at your service. Find your Australian Town or City and Login to Create Ads, Events and Articles

Over 1000 United Australian Community Websites.

Burnie city and port thanks to Psypherium